Tri: Three – Kona: Angle – Asana: Posture
Trikonasana, also known as triangle posture, is a posture which stretches and strengthens the legs and trunk areaInstructions:
- From Tadasana jump or step your feet 4 feet or one leg distance apart. *Always remember that every physical body is different and each person is different in their practice of yoga asanas, so there is no fixed distance for standing sequences
- Keep your feet parallel with your toes in one line and lift arms up in line with the shoulders
- Move the heel of the left foot in by 45 degrees and toes out 90 degrees
- Press the outer heel of the right foot firmly
- Left heel should be in line with the center of the arch of the right foot
- Press the big toe of the left foot and the outer heel of the right foot firmly
- Both feet should maintain their arches
- With an inhale lift the left arm up
- Lift and lengthen the left side of the trunk
- With an exhalation, move the trunk over the left leg by initiating this movement from the hips and not from the ribs
- Rest the left hand on the shin / ankle / or on the floor according to mobility and strength in the hips and hamstrings
- Lengthen the trunk to the left side more and press the back leg firmly
- Push left buttock into the body and open up the rib cage by moving the shoulders and arms away from each other
- Rotate the rib cage to the ceiling and lookup straight / or down, according to neck condition
- Weight of the trunk is not surrendered down, rather kept in control
Variations :
- Use a block underneath the lower hand if it doesn’t reach down
- Use a block under the calf for hyperextension
- Use chair / wall to lengthen the spine and trunk
- Use heel to toe alignment to open groins
- In case of a weak heart use the wall to support body weight
- In case of recovery from trauma do Trikonasana with the wall
- Use a tilted block against the wall to open the inner groin
- Use the rope on the wall to open the rib cage and to build strength in the torso
- Use the corner to open the rib cage to enhance breathing
- Use the heavy block in the upper arm to stimulate scapular movement
- * There are so many variations in Trikonasana and these variations have to be used for creating different stimulating work in weak and stiff areas
- Tones the lower body joints and makes them strong and flexible
- Opens up the hamstrings and groins
- Creates mobility in the hips
- Strengthens the torso and abdominal region of yoga practitioners
- Makes the spine supple
- Prepares yoga practitioners for other yoga postures
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